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Increasing the access to and affordability of circular services and reverse logistics

  /  Increasing the access to and affordability of circular services and reverse logistics

Increasing the access to and affordability of circular services and reverse logistics

Target Value Chain: Textiles

Target Mission: Region of Centre-South

Challenge Owner: (Mission Council Member)

One of the core missing links in the transition to a circular economy is a robust system of “reverse” logistics. We need new logistics models to support product and material collection, sorting, and recovery for reuse, redistribution, and remanufacturing. In Italy, for instance, currently, this work is done by non-governmental organizations such as Caritas, or through informal networks.  

We are looking for solutions and service models that would help to increase the access to and affordability of circular services provided within the region. Specifically, we are looking for solutions that would:

  • Maximise the ability of citizens to care for, maintain, repair, or upcycle their existing clothing  so that products can be repaired throughout their full useful lifetime, by providing citizens with affordable repair and maintenance services.
  • Provide viable options for scaling textile collection infrastructure and campaigns to encourag e citizens to separate all textile materials from other municipal waste. 
  • Support the development of robust reverse logistics models, and improved textile sorting.
  • Help to link the supply of collected products and materials with demand, based on their condition and material properties (ie., reuse prioritized over recycling whenever possible).
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