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Mission Councils

Get to know SoTecIn Factory Mission Councils, multi-stakeholder groups of selected experts set up for each of the project’s 7 Missions in 7 project’s regions with the focus on furthering the circular Mission related to the determined value chain and preventing any potential mission-drift throughout the duration of the project.

Take a look at members of our “Mission Guardians” which take part in overseeing and stewarding the progression of the Challenges by the Challenge owners and Solutions by Social Innovators.

Food, Water and Nutrients

Food, Water & Nutrients



Plastics and Packaging

Plastics and packaging

Food, Water & Nutrients

Mission of South-West (Portugal, Spain, Southern France)

“Support Iberian farmers, producers, and consumers in a 3R agricultural revolution (one that is regional, regenerative, and resource-efficient) through platforms, tools, financial incentives, education, and transparent information.”

CIO Gabriel Tual - Gabriel Tual

Gabriel Tual


Michael Karner

20230302_175116 - Manuel Vilhena

Manuel Vilhena

DSC_5202 - João Amaral

João Amaral

Processed with VSCO with  preset

Tiago Filipe Marques

Dom May 2016 - Domenico Dentoni

Domenico Dentoni

Mission of North-East (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia)

“Build more resilient regional food systems by improving farmers’ access to resources and fostering closer connections between farmers and consumers to reduce the distance between production and consumption, to facilitate the production of quality food, and to inspire more sustainable localised consumption and production.”

08_Michal1 - Michał Kowalkowski

Michal Kowalkowski

0 - Darina Styriaková

Darina Štyriaková

muller-tamas-portre-pozi - Tamás Müller

Tamás Müller

Mayri profile - Mayri Tiido

Mayri Tiido

liza picture -18 - Liza Degtyareva

Liza Degtyareva

Mission of South-East (Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Serbia, Ukraine)

“Foster closer collaboration between farmers, distributors, and retailers throughout the regional food value chain, and increase their capacity to leverage R&D, sustainable technologies and production methods, and circular strategies to help them become more resilient, in the move towards a regenerative, circular food value chain.”

Diana Plămadă - Diana Plămadă

Diana Plamada

5AB729C1-BE74-41C8-8357-5EC95DFF9489 - Diana Dobrin

Diana Dobrin

Me_1 - valentin maior

Valentin Maior


Yioula Melanthiou


Rodica Mihaela Frincu

Mission of East (Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia)

Leverage digitalization, data-centric approaches, biotech, and other solutions to increase the transparency and traceability of the agri-food value chain, reduce food waste, and radically reduce impacts stemming from meat and dairy production.

20211128_102952 - Simge kayapınar

Simge Kayapınar

Impact Hub_AniBaboomian - Ani Baboomian

Ani Baboomian

4FFECEC1-6190-464E-AEC4-BF58EE5B6910 - Zeynep Cansu Öner

Zeynep Cansu Öner

tugce ergün cireli foto - Tuğçe Ergün

Tuğçe Ergün Cireli


Mission of North-West (Netherlands, Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland)

Leverage digitisation and data by connecting actors in the textile value chain in the EU to empower decision-making towards a higher R circular economy by increasing transparency and traceability.


Anieke Wierenga

New photo-Lis - Lis Suarez

Lis Suarez-Visbal


Niki de Schryver

Nienke_Steen photo 22 - Nienke Steen

Nienke Steen

TRN Headshot SQUARE - Troy Nachtigall

Troy Nachtigall

ING-PORTRET-00541-compressed - Nishant Parekh

Nishant Parekh

Missions of Centre-South (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Malta)

1. “Enable greater transparency, traceability and verifiability of product-level data and incentivise reduced production impacts by improving mechanisms for data collection, verification and sharing.” 2. “Develop new digital solutions, production technologies and services to drive circularity throughout the whole lifecycle of products, whilst encouraging greater collaboration across the value chain, and increasing awareness of consumers of the impacts of their clothing.”

DSC_4297 - Annamaria Tartaglia

Annamaria Tartaglia

anaraguz - Ana Raguz

Ana Raguž

1599474318866 - Anna Buchi

Anna Buchi

IMG_3423 - Paola De Bernardi

Paola De Bernardi

AC profile pic colour squared - Alice Casiraghi

Alice Casiraghi

Alessandro Mambelli (square) - Alessandro Mambelli

Alessandro Mambelli

Plastics & Packaging

Mission of Centre-North (Germany, Denmark, Austria, Sweden, Finland)

“Leverage circular design, enabling technologies, and knowledge sharing to reduce and replace single-use plastics and to maximise the potential of packaging solutions that close material loops, while enabling the main value chain actor across to adopt them by 2030.”

Doris Clemenz_image - Doris Clemenz

Doris Clemenz

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Marcin Morawski

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Kamilė Vaitkutė

Alexa Böckel_08 (2) - Alexa Böckel

Alexa Böckel

Stena0612 zoom - Michaela Feiglová

Michaela Feiglová

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