SoTecIn Factory Community
The Community is your space to make a sustainable change in the industry. And you can do that together with other industry leaders such as social innovators, academics, activists and policy-makers, all equally passionate to lead a circular transition across Europe by co-creating key value chain based-missions.
Learn in-dept about each actor in the SoTecIn Factory Glossary
Let your specific expertise on key technologies and industry value chains shine as one of the leaders of the new governance models for social innovation.
Mission Councils will act as ‘mission guardians’ by overseeing the progression of the challenges by the challenge owners and solution providers – specifically, overseeing the development and deployment of the solutions from higher-R focused, early-stage enterprises, by ensuring that the ventures stay focused on the overarching value-chain based mission throughout the duration of the program.
Connect to tech-savvy innovators, the missing puzzle in your organisation’s journey to resilience and sustainability by gaining access to innovative solutions envisioned to solve today’s challenges of industry actors active in the Key Product Value Chains.
Have you identified a mission-based problem within your organisation?
You have a burning, tech-driven business idea as an individual or an organisation that is looking for industry support, but also social impact across industry. Seek no more! SoTecIn Factory offers you access to :
Grants up to €100k totally (100%) non-equity funding
– Close collaboration with industry partners as Challenge Owners of concrete sustainability challenges
– Pre-market technological demonstration
– Capacity-building for social entrepreneurship & circular business support