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Challenge Owners

Meet the Challenge Owners, 23 industry members coming from 4 target value chains which are setting specific challenges within the context of the regional circular Mission, formulated in a way to help their owners in meeting their needs, but most importantly, to contribute to a broader mission of achieving sustainable industry transformation.

Want to know solutions for these challenges? Check out Social Innovators.


Food, Water & Nutrients




Plastics and packaging

Food, Water & Nutrients

Mission of South-West (Portugal, Spain, Southern France)

“Support Iberian farmers, producers, and consumers in a 3R agricultural revolution (one that is regional, regenerative, and resource-efficient) through platforms, tools, financial incentives, education, and transparent information.”

Mission of North-East (Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia)

Build more resilient regional food systems by improving farmers’ access to resources and fostering closer connections between farmers and consumers to reduce the distance between production and consumption, to facilitate the production of quality food, and to inspire more sustainable localised consumption and production.

Mission of South-East (Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Serbia, Ukraine)

“Foster closer collaboration between farmers, distributors, and retailers throughout the regional food value chain, and increase their capacity to leverage R&D, sustainable technologies and production methods, and circular strategies to help them become more resilient, in the move towards a regenerative, circular food value chain.”

Mission of East (Turkey, Armenia, and Georgia)

Leverage digitalization, data-centric approaches, biotech, and other solutions to increase the transparency and traceability of the agri-food value chain, reduce food waste, and radically reduce impacts stemming from meat and dairy production.


Mission of North-West (Netherlands, Northern France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ireland)

Leverage digitisation and data by connecting actors in the textile value chain in the EU to empower decision-making towards a higher R circular economy by increasing transparency and traceability

Missions of Centre-South (Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Malta)

1. “Enable greater transparency, traceability and verifiability of product-level data and incentivise reduced production impacts by improving mechanisms for data collection, verification and sharing.” 2. “Develop new digital solutions, production technologies and services to drive circularity throughout the whole lifecycle of products, whilst encouraging greater collaboration across the value chain, and increasing awareness of consumers of the impacts of their clothing.”

Plastics & Packaging

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