Sustainable industry, here we come! Read about SoTecIn Factory’s kick-off meeting in Porto
The SoTecIn Factory consortium led by INESC TEC, and composed by 5 other European partners (F6S, BWCON, IMPACT HUB, Metabolic and CNR) got together on 30 June 2022 in iiLab, INESC TEC’s industry and innovation lab in Porto, Portugal.
The meeting marked the official kick-off of the new EU-funded Horizon Europe project. During this one-day event, around 15 representatives from the partner organisations had the opportunity to meet each other in-person and online, and establish the foundation for a fruitful 36-month collaboration. Amongst the participants was also Project Officer Giuseppina Lauritano from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA).
The focus of the consortium gathering was to go over the main objectives of the project work packages and tasks, as well as their initial progress, and to also discuss the main steps for the next six months. The progressive approach to systemic industry transformation envisioned in the SoTecIn Factory project demands thorough attention to the delivery of deliverables, milestones and KPIs. Therefore, the partners used the kick-off meeting as the pivotal moment to establish roots for the right coordination among partners and activities.
Social and Technological Innovation Factory for Low-Carbon and Circular Industrial Value Chains (SoTecIn Factory) aims to bring systemic change, as well as to promote a culture of social innovation in European manufacturing businesses by connecting industry and technology providers to the community of mission-based social innovators.
The project supports systemic transformation towards restructuring 7 key industry value chains defined by EU Circular Economy Action Plan to be low-carbon and circular, by implementing higher value circular economy strategies, i.e., reuse, repair, refurbish and remanufacture.
SoTecIn Factory utilises mission-based approach by supporting transnational SoTecIn Factory Community consisting of diverse industry actors spread across 7 Regional Hubs in 20+ countries to design and steward value chain-based missions relevant for their regional economic systems.
Throughout 2 Open Calls for social innovators in 2023 and 2024, SoTecIn Factory will support 50 mission-oriented social entrepreneurs with services regarding governance (through the creation of stewardship councils for each innovation), business model, capacity-building, 3.3 million EUR equity-free fund and 30 mission-oriented pre-market demonstration projects. Innovative solutions will serve as the answers to the real-life challenges and sustainability issues previously identified by industry players.
Stay tuned for more exciting SoTecIn Factory news and events!