Solution Name: Seasoil
Target Challenge:
Developing a novel biodegradable cosmetic packaging utilizing existing and abundant biowaste in an advanced biotechnological process (Innovate – Challenge brought by the social innovator).
Seasoil is a biotech start-up developing a technology using cheap and abundant biowaste and utilizing scalable biotechnological process in which they transform the waste into novel bio-molecules that serve as the main biomaterial to make rigid cosmetic packaging alternatives.
Solution Description
SeaSoil’s mission is to create an innovative and modern material by utilizing agricultural and food waste in a biotechnologically advanced process, producing new molecules that are similar to popular rigid plastics (e.g. polypropylene and polyethylene), biodegradable in all conditions of microbial contamination (e.g. sea, soil), where at the end it of its life will leave behind compost and other micronutrients commonly present in the environment. Our material is an ideal replacement for rigid plastic in cosmetics or other industries because it is waterproof, impact-resistant, durable and plastic, allowing it to be moulded into various shapes.
Programme Results
Follow the innovator’s journey through the SoTecIn Factory funding & support programme.

About the organisation
Name of the organisation: Seasoil
Country of origin: Poland
Organisation website: www.theseasoil.com
Social Media: LinkedIn